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Improving energy efficiency of the building stock in a city needs strategic and long-term thinking. Complex ownership structures, market barriers, diversity of building typologies, consumer preferences and multiple stakeholders involved in the construction and retrofitting of a building makes energy efficient buildings a challenge even with the advanced technological developments. However, to realise positive energy districts and reach the ambitious climate goals set forward by cities, zero and positive energy buildings play a critical role.

A variety of initiatives worldwide have proven that while a complex challenge, Energy Efficient Retrofitting of buildings is possible and has huge impact towards greener and more resilient cities.

Problems to be solved

Energy loss in buildingsUse of inadequate materialsEnergy povertyTransition from fossil fuelsMake  technologies availableEnergy demand in buildings

Legal Requirements

Relevant legal directives at the EU and national levels.

The urgency to deal with the energy efficiency of buildings is enormous. The EU also recognizes this and there are several standards on the energy efficiency of buildings at EU level. Several legislative initiatives have been introduced for building renovation, the most important ones are given below:

  • Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD, Directive 2010/31/EU amended by Directive 2018/844/EU)
  • Energy Efficiency Directive (EED, Directive 2012/27/EU amended by Directive 2018/2002/EU)
  • Directive of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings
  • Directive of 6 July 2005 establishing a framework for setting eco-design requirements for energy-using products
  • Directive of 5 April 2006 on energy end-use efficiency and energy services
  • Directive of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources providing for the promotion of energy efficiency
  • Directive of 21 October 2009 establishing framework for setting Eco-design requirements for energy-related products
  • Directive of 19 May 2010 on the indication of energy efficiency labelling and standard product information on the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products
  • Directive of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings

Since member states had to integrate these directives into national law, there are many standards regarding energy efficiency in the EU on the national level differing from country to country. Some examples of regulations and standards regarding energy efficiency are listed below (United Nations Economic Comission for Europe, Mapping of Existing Energy Efficiency Standards and Technologies in Buildings in the UNECE Region, 2018):

  • France: sets minimum standards for existing buildings and defines the necessary renovations for them.
  • Switzerland: the renovated building must not exceed 125% of the new building's energy limit.
  • Denmark: Solar heating systems must be provided when the expected hot water consumption exceeds 2,000l per day and can meet 95 per cent of demand.
  • Greece: 60% of domestic hot water is from solar energy.

Further standards of various countries can be found in the countries’ information sheets of the report of UNECE. Some regulations already mentioned in North America are:

  • Energy Policy Act of 2005
  • ASHRAE9 90.1.2007
  • ICC Energy Conservation 2000-201510
  • Vancouver’s step-by-step plan

Operating Models

Which business and operating models exist for this Solution? How are they structured and funded?

Energy retrofit calls for huge initial capital investment with long payback periods. To accelerate retrofitting, favourable financing and market mechanisms, as well as innovative business models are crucial. The policy interventions highlighted in the previous section have the potential to improve access to financing, de-risk investment and reduce barriers while increasing the attractiveness of building sector investments. 

While local and national governments can promote specific supporting policies, public resources can cover only a limited amount of total investments. To obtain substantial results, it is necessary to involve the private sector in financing energy-efficient refurbishments. However, financial institutions face several challenges while approaching the energy efficiency market. These include the small size, fragmentation of investments, and lack of project standardisation which cumulatively result in higher risks.

There is a variety of financing mechanisms available to and being explored by local and state governments including energy service performance contracts (ESPCs), revolving loan funds, leasing, on bill financing, and more. Some of these are explained below:

1) Revolving Loan Funds: RLFs are capital pools set aside by the local or national government from which loans can be made for energy retrofit projects. As the loans are repaid, the capital is then reloaned for another project. Assuming that defaults remain low, RLFs can be "evergreen" sources of capital that are recycled over and over again to fund projects well into the future.

2) On Bill Financing: OBF is a type of loan, introduced first in the USA, that uses the utility bill as a repayment vehicle. It helps reduce barriers like high upfront costs in retrofitting and is a possible solution for the owner tenant dilemma. The loan is paid back over time through the monetary savings on the reduced utility bill. The property owner pays the same bill before and after the renovations and the difference due to savings goes to the investor.

3) Energy Performance Contracting: EPC is a form of financing for capital improvement which enables funding of energy upgrades from cost savings. Under an EPC arrangement an external organisation (ESCO) implements a project to deliver energy efficiency, or a renewable energy project, and uses the stream of income from the cost savings, or the renewable energy produced, to repay the costs of the project, including the costs of the investment (European Commission, 2020).

A key component of successful green retrofit finance programs is the concept of the “cash positive” financial model. This refers to having financial mechanisms which reduce the risk and burden from property owners by ensuring savings right from the first month. The financial arrangements should have interest rates that ensure that the monthly utility bill is reduced by an amount greater than or equal to the monthly repayment instalments providing immediate and steady returns. It has to be noted that legal aspects and underpinnings of various financial models vary greatly across state and local governments. It is essential to conduct rigorous due diligence to clearly understand what types of financing models can be deployed in your community.

Cost Structure

Fixed CostsVariable Costs
Administrative costsTransportation
Tenant engagement activitiesEquipment
CommunicationUtilities (Energy & Water)
 Fees & Taxes

Cost Structure for Energy Efficient Retrofitting of Buildings (BABLE, 2021)

A good reference for costs can be found in the Use Case from Vienna. The initial investments for interventions in 95 flats over 50 years old, was about €4,3 million, which accounts for €680 per m² of useable surface and contained the costs for thermal refurbishment works, maintenance works, and works to increase housing comfort.

The thermal refurbishment of the façade reduced the heat energy demand by more than 80 percent, from 130 kWh/m²yr to approximately 23 kWh/m²yr. Additionally, a 50 m² large PV-System with 9 kWp was installed on the roof.

The total cost of €4,3 million was reduced by direct grants and annuity grant and the annual rent-income of €2.55 million (for 6.330 m² useable surface = €3,35 per m² per month) is used for the payback of the investment (BABLE, 2019).

Market Potential

How big is the potential market for this Solution? Are there EU goals supporting the implementation? How has the market developed over time and more recently?

The Energy Efficient Retrofitting market for buildings has enormous potential since 75% of the building stock in Europe is considered energy inefficient. On a global scale, this number might even be worse, generating an interesting gap to cover with refurbishment initiatives.

Stakeholder Mapping

Which stakeholders need to be considered (and how) regarding the planning and implementation of this Solution?

Stakeholder Map for Energy Efficient Retrofitting of Buildings (BABLE, 2021)

Government Initiatives

What efforts and policies are local/national public administrations undertaking to help further and support this Solution?

Local and national governments need to make clear commitments to ensure long-term market signals towards energy efficient technologies. The accelerated uptake of energy efficient technologies will require a push and pull policy approach. On one hand, mandatory performance targets that push building owners to adopt energy efficient technologies. On the other hand, upfront incentives such as consumer rebates, which reduce barriers such as high upfront costs and higher cost of energy efficient products.

The following list provides examples of some policy measures that can be adopted:


  • Design building codes and standards that encourage the delivery of deep renovation and regularly strengthen them in response to new technological developments. Strive for near-zero emissions in new construction.
  • Set Minimum Energy Performance Standards for energy use equipment.
  • Introduce quality standards/certification systems for installers and products.
  • Identify restrictive tenancy laws which disincentivise or inhibit energy performance improvement and update those laws to support sustainable transition.
  • Set minimum on-site renewable energy production limits in order to promote the local implementation of renewable energy sources and to utilize the existing local sustainable energy potential (an example of legislative action to use at least a certain share of the roof area for PV can be found here). 
  • Streamline the design of sustainable energy concepts by starting the process at the beginning of the planning phase of the transition process. Thereby, the district development process can be influenced by the energy concepts towards positive energy districts and energy saving and self-sufficiency potentials can be utilized more easily (avoiding disadvantageous path-dependencies in the planning process).


  • Ensure minimal or no lock-in of inefficient and carbon-intensive technologies in all new constructions during the planning approval phase (e.g. prioritising connection to district heating/cooling network).
  • Simplify and enable deployment of high-efficiency, low carbon technologies such as electric heat pumps and solar thermal units.
  • Promote use of advanced controls, such as energy management systems and smart home technologies for energy efficient behaviour.
  • Address challenges concerning local deployment of low/zero carbon technologies.
  • Ban energy intensive and polluting technologies that are reliable on fossil fuels (e.g. incandescent and halogen light bulbs, electric resistance heaters, oil boilers etc.).
  • Mandate the usage of waste heat from large scale plants for on-site or district systems. 
  • Promote the development of integrated energy concepts that incorporate various building types, sectors and energy demand to maximize the utilization of (energetic) synergies


  • Develop funding vehicles tailored to specific market segments that provide simple and commercially attractive source of finance for deep renovation.
  • Develop mechanisms to encourage deep renovation via third party financing e.g. ESCOs and EPCs
  • Strengthen carbon pricing mechanisms to provide the right economic signals.
  • Incentivise deep energy retrofitting of existing building shells (e.g. reduce property tax for high energy performing buildings).
  • Incentivise adoption of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

Worldwide there have been interesting movements happening towards increasing the efficiency of buildings. The European Union seems to be in the vanguard of the movement, with several directives published aiming towards climate neutrality. Among them are specific directives for Energy Performance of buildings, frameworks for setting requirements for materials and design, and for promotion of renewables.

While in the United States, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 covers almost every aspect of energy generation, distribution, and consumption, along with guidelines on energy efficiency. In 2012, 31 USA states, by adopting either ASHRAE9 90.1.2007 or the ICC Energy Conservation 2000-2015, implemented model codes for residential and commercial buildings, in Canada there is the Vancouver’s step-by-step plan to promote the uptake of highly energy efficient buildings by removing barriers to Passive House is linked to Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Plan   (UNECE, 2019).

In countries like Serbia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia and some others, the governance structure is such that building codes are made at the federal level, without an option for regional governments to choose whether to adopt the codes or not. In such cases, regions are able to prepare and submit additional design and construction norms or procurement procedures requirements, which will reflect the regional specifics, but will not contradict the federal level law. This situation does not allow the codes to be updated more frequently considering the technological developments in the building sector. The regulatory bodies of these countries acting at the federal level are currently focusing on the implementation of performance-based building codes with minimum energy standards rather than prescriptive building codes. This will give building contractors and owners the flexibility to choose the best technological option to reduce energy consumption (UNECE, 2019).

Supporting Factors

Percentage share of buildings in the EU in different EPC classes (Buildings Performance Institute Europe, 2017)

To achieve carbon neutrality , it is essential to consider both the future buildings being built, and the existing building stock, which constitutes a majority of the buildings we live in today and onwards. As already mentioned, approximately 75% of the European building stock is considered as not energy efficient, i.e., not reaching at least EPC class C, as shown in the figure above, while the figure below gives this distribution on a country basis.

Distribution of the building stock in theEU per EPC class (Buildings Performance Institute Europe, 2017)

The lifetime of European buildings ranges from 40 - 120 years. To reach the ambitious climate and energy goals set by the European Union and demanded for mitigating climate change, the majority of the building stock in the EU needs to be at least nearly zero-energy (Dorizas, Groote, & Fabbr, 2019). Consequently, renovating buildings is a crucial aspect of meeting the European energy efficiency and CO2 emission reduction targets. For the decarbonisation of the building sector, three central pillars are recommended by the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2020):

1) Sufficiency: This deals with interventions in design stage. Energy demand in buildings should be minimized while providing same or improved level of comfort. This will focus on reducing energy need using innovative design, materials and other similar measures that lead to passive buildings.

2) Efficiency: Improving performance of building technologies through facilitation adoption of energy-efficient solutions through policy and market frameworks. This would also include investing and promoting research and innovation in highly energy efficient technologies.

3) Decarbonisation: Once the energy demand for buildings is minimized by using sufficiency and efficiency measures, the remaining low energy demand should be satisfied with high performance, low-carbon solutions.

City Context

What supporting factors and characteristics of a city is this Solution fit for? What factors would ease implementation?

It is estimated that people spend on average 85-90% of their time indoors either in their home, in school, at work, or during leisure time. To ensure a high level of comfort, buildings across the globe are fitted with different technologies to heat or cool space, provide clean and hot water, fresh air and electricity to power appliances that simplify human life.

As per the International Energy Agency (IEA), buildings and building construction sectors combined are responsible for one-third of global final energy consumption and almost 40% of total direct and indirect CO2 emissions and hence are a source of enormous untapped efficiency potential (IEA, 2020).

Global Urban Primary Energy Use and CO2 Emissions

According to the European Commission estimations, almost 75% of Europe’s building stock is currently energetically inefficient, and the annual renovation rate ranges from just 0.4 to 1.2%, depending on the country. The inefficiency of buildings in terms of energy and resource use constitutes a large societal challenge in connection to our total consumption and CO₂ footprint. This adds pressure on the total integrated energy and city system (State of Green, 2020). Thus, building efficiency plays a decisive role in supporting cities to achieve their carbon neutrality targets. Buildings generate direct CO2 emissions through fuels that are burned (e.g. oil, natural gas) and indirect emissions through the use of fossil fuel powered electricity that is used in the buildings (IEA, 2019). The figure above shows the share of buildings in urban primary energy use and CO2 emissions, relative to global levels.

The creation of this solution has been supported by EU funding

Use Cases

Explore real-life examples of implementations of this Solution.


Demand Side Response (DSR) Control for Student Accomodation

The use case aims to deliver strategic load curtailment in student accomodations via existing BEMS.


Demand Side Response Control for Public buildings

The Use case aims at delivering strategic load curtailment in public buildings via existing BEMS.


Demand Side Response Control for Office Block (Academic Building)

The Use case aims at delivering strategic load curtailment in academic buildings via existing BEMS. 



Smart local thermal districts

Within the GrowSmarter project."Smart local thermal districts" is part of the building refurbishment in Ca l’Alier, which combines on-site electricity generation (PVs) with the local existing DHC network, reducing the consumption of fossil primary energy for heating and cooling production.



Smart control of individual rooms in existing buildings

With the aim of reducing energy consumption by 20% in the existing office buildings in Strijp-S, an innovative concept has been developed to optimise energy consumption while maintaining user comfort. The system allows interactive monitoring and control of HVAC system via mobile application.



Retrofitting Old Soviet Apartment Buildings in Tartu

As part of the SmartEnCity project, the objective of the retrofitting is to drastically reduce the energy usage of the old Soviet era buildings, khrushchyovkas, by around 70%. Several energy saving measures have been undertaken to reach this goal.



Smart building shell refurbishment in Cologne

To improve energy efficiency of existing residential buildings by 70% as part of EU Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter Project, renovation measures were undertaken. This includes building envelope insulation, high efficient windows, staircase lighting, elevator and heating system.



Energy efficient refurbishment of tertiary residential buildings in Valla Torg, Stockholm

Under the GrowSmarter project, the City of Stockholm has implemented several energy retrofitting actions in 6 tertiary buildings from 1961 in Valla Torg to decrease energy consumption by 60%, improve indoor comfort and also extend the lifespan of the buildings.



Energy efficient refurbishment of tertiary buildings by the City of Stockholm

The City of Stockholm has implemented energy retrofitting actions in 2 tertiary buildings: a cultural central and an official complex. Both the buildings are named as cultural historical



Energy efficient refurbishment of a residential building - Brf Årstakrönet

Under the GrowSmarter project, this measure focusses on energy efficient refurbishment of a residential building from 2007: Brf Årstakrönet, with 56 private condominiums.



Building Retrofit in Milan

Milan aims to address deep energy retrofit of the residential building stock, both public and private, to save up to 60-70% of current energy consumption and improve comfort inside dwellings.



Energy efficient refurbishment of tertiary buildings by Barcelona Municipality

Barcelona Municipality has retrofitted two old textile factories, lately abandoned or used as a warehouse. The buildings have been transformed into a new public library (Library Les Corts) and an R&D centre for Smart cities hosting both public and private entities (Ca l’Alier).



Energy efficient refurbishment of the building - Educative centre Escola Sert

Gas Natural Fenosa has implemented energy refurbishment of an Educative center Escola Sert. The aim is to validate the technical and economic feasibility of adding renewable energy generation to a tertiary building in the form of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) for self-consumption.



Energy efficient refurbishment of the building - Hotel H10 Catedral

Under the GrowSmarter project, Gas Natural Fenosa has implemented energy refurbishment of three buildings with very different uses , and one of them is a hotel H10 Catedral. The aim is to validate the technical and economic feasibility of executing an energy refurbishment of a tertiary building.



Energy efficient refurbishment of the building - Sports Centre CEM Claror Cartagena

Naturgy has implemented retrofitting actions to lower the energy consumption in over 12,500 m2 of tertiary floor in Barcelona. Three buildings with very different uses have been retrofitted, and one of them is a Sports Centre, CEM Claror Cartagena.



Energy efficient refurbishment of residential buildings by Naturgy

Naturgy has implemented retrofitting actions with the aim of lowering the energy consumption of buildings in nearly 20,000 m2 of residential floor in Barcelona: Canyelles, Ter, Lope de Vega and Melon District.



Energy efficient refurbishment of a residential building - Passeig Santa Coloma

Barcelona Municipality has promoted the energy refurbishment of a social housing building in Passeig Santa Coloma with 207 dwellings and over 14,000 m2.



District Retrofitting in Eskişehir

Aiming to achieve a sustainable districts in Tepebasi through deep retrofitting, the improvements in building envelope's designs were implemented. Minimizing heat transfer through the building envelope is crucial for reducing the need for space heating and cooling.



District Retrofitting in Valladolid

With the aim of achieving a Near Zero Energy District in Valladolid, a series of interventions have been designed focusing on improving the sustainability of the 19 residential buildings of the FASA neighbourhood, increasing its energy efficiency and reducing the CO2 emissions of its buildings.



Energy Retrofitting Through Public Procurement in Nottingham

A UK council housing estate with a high density of fuel poverty has benefited from an energy makeover which bundles technology, aesthetics and a novel approach to public procurement.



Refurbishment of a Social Housing Rental in Vienna

The project ‘Hauffgasse 37-47’, completed in 1987, is a large housing block with 485 flats. It is supplied by a micro-district-heating-grid and currently fired with natural gas. The objectives were mainly focusing on the reduction of energy demand and the integration of renewable energy sources.



Refurbishment of a Municipal Housing Estate in Vienna (Social Housing Lorystraße 54-60)

The project Lorystraße 54-60 is a medium-sized housing block with 95 flats, completed in 1966 and owned by ‘Wiener Wohnen’, the city-owned social housing operator. The thermal refurbishment reduced the heat energy demand by more than 80 percent. Additionally, a 9 kWp PV-System was installed.



Refurbishment of a Municipal Housing Estate in Vienna (Social Housing Herbortgasse 43)

The municipal housing estate in Herbortgasse 43 was built in 1929 and is under heritage protection. The thermal refurbishment of the façade reduced the heat energy demand by about 75 percent, from 118 kWh/m²yr to approximately 28 kWh/m²yr. 8 additional flats were constructed in a rooftop extension.



Refurbishment of Secondary Schools and a Public Gym into Zero-Energy

The refurbishment of a public gym and the addition of 16 class rooms to the schools serves as a testbed for the use of new energy solutions. It is a pilot project testing climate friendly smart city solutions. The current energy performance of 104 kWh/m2 is reduced to 27 kWh/m2.


Energy Efficient District Heating and DHW Retrofitting

Renovation of the whole district heating system to increase energy efficiency and reduce fossil fuel dependency.



Public Art Gallery on Retrofitted Apartments in Tartu

Tartu organized an international art competition to make its pilot area for turning Khrushchev-era buildings into modern energy efficient homes, creating an attractive and unique urban environment for its citizens to enjoy.



Energy saving, CO² reduction & optimisation of the indoor climate of a court house building in Tallinn

Satisfaction of the building's tenants and visitors is one of the top priorities. The indoor climate has improved since R8 Autopilot started to control the building in November 2019.



Energy Saving, CO² Reduction & Optimisation of the Indoor Climate of an Office Building in Coimbra, Portugal

Satisfaction of the building's tenants and visitors is one of the top priorities. Since R8 Autopilot started to control the building, the indoor climate has improved and the energy and CO² emissions were reduced.

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