Refurbishment and modernisation of energy supply
Lorystraße 54-60 (95 flats, 8.800 m²) is a city-owned social housing block, managed by Wiener Wohnen. The following technical improvements were planned:
▪ Refurbishment of the building envelope from 125 to 52 kWh/m2 for space heating and warm water
▪ Efficiency improvements to the energy supply
▪ Installation of PV plants of 7 kWp on the roof
▪ Preparation of the parking garage for e-mobility
▪ ICT-based central management and monitoring of all buildings supplied by distance heating in the district
Refurbishment Concept
Therefore, a wide range of measures were necessary to adapt the building to modern standards:
▪ The refurbishment of the façade (exchange of windows, heat insulation), the roof and the basement ceiling reduces the calculated heat energy performance (HEP) from 125 kWh/m² to 52 kWh/m².
▪ The fire safety of the building is increased by a pressure aeration in all four staircases and doors in higher fire protection class to flats and community facilities (laundries, cellars, etc.).
▪ The modernisation/renewal of building equipment (elevators, plumping) increases energy performance and safety.
▪ The installation of a roofed waste collection place and an Intercom increase comfort for the tenants.
These standard measures, mainly concerning the reduction of the heat energy demand and the upgrade of the fire safety, were combined with additional measures dealing with the integration of renewable energy:
▪ The implementation of a 7 kWp PV-System on the roof
▪ The connection of additional flats to the Distance Heating
▪ Preparations for a future charging infrastructure for e-Cars and e-Bikes
The construction works at Lorystraße 54-60 started in May 2018 with the erection of the scaffold and related dismantling works (balconies, building equipment). In August 2018, refurbishment started with façade works (exchange of windows, installation of heat insulation), the insulation of the basement ceiling and works on the roof.