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Company: Technolution

The FlowCube intelligent image sensor can give Smart City developers any traffic information they need.

FlowCube – Intelligent Image Sensor For Multimodal Traffic Management


The FlowCube intelligent image sensor can give Smart City developers any traffic information they need. Thanks to its sophisticated built-in algorithms, the FlowCube is suitable to monitor any type of traffic, from pedestrians and cyclists to cars, trams and other vehicles. This makes the FlowCube one of the first truly multi-modal traffic sensors. Combining multiple FlowCubes will allow you to determine travel routes and speeds of individual road users, while remaining fully compliant with all privacy laws.

How it works

It provides

Routes and Travel Times

Two or more connected FlowCubes combine sensor data to create accurate origin-destination matrixes. This will allow you to determine the routes and corresponding travel times of specific types of traffic, even of cyclists or pedestrians. The FlowCube is fully compliant with all privacy laws.

Flexibility in sensoring options

Thanks to its flexible built-in algorithms, the FlowCube can be calibrated to perform very specific tasks, such as determining the arrival and departure times of buses at bus stops, or monitoring the opening and closing of the passenger doors of street trams.

Discretion and connectivity

Despite its power and accuracy, the FlowCube is surprisingly small and unobtrusive. It can be discretely mounted on traffic lights, street lights or at any location where a power source is available. The FlowCube can be easily connected to current traffic management systems or cloud applications.

Use Cases

The integrated algorithms of the FlowCube allow it to monitor many different types of traffic information. Below are a few examples of possible use cases.

Optimizing traffic flows for cyclists

Unlike most traffic sensors, the FlowCube is able to count the number of cyclists that pass at any location, and even determine their routes and travel times. This valuable information gives you options for optimizing the flow of cyclists through your city, making cycling a more attractive alternative to cars and public transportation.

Monitoring traffic intensity

The FlowCube can analyze traffic flows for any type of traffic, and it can determine the number of pedestrians and/or vehicles present at a location. If you wish, the FlowCube can automatically alert traffic managers when traffic flows slow down due to traffic intensity.

Optimizing traffic light performance

By monitoring specific types of traffic, the FlowCube can help prioritize and optimize the green and red times of traffic lights at busy intersections. For example, send an alert to traffic light control systems when a bus or tram is ready to depart from a stop when its doors close.

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