42200 Konya, Selçuklu, Türkiye

As one of the low-land cities in Turkey, Konya uses this geographical advantage to encourage active mobility. One of the busiest tram lines has been modified to make it easier for cyclists to get on and have a more comfortable journey. The transformation of the tram into a bicycle tram in the heart of the city contributed to the bicycle culture in Konya by encouraging residents to use bicycles more, and citizens started using the bicycle tram at the beginning of the journey. The bicycle tram, which has been used for 1 week, makes 7 trips a day and carries an average of 100 cyclists per day.

The project has been funded 100% by the municipality and the initial investment was determined between 50,000 to 250,000 Euros. After this implementation, Konya recommends other cities design a rail system network that can also allow the use of the bicycle tram for urban transportation. Last but not least, utilizing one of the old trams for a bicycle tram made people happy.