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Öğrenci’Ye: An App Providing Free Meals to University Students.
District level
Öğrenci’Ye is a mobile app by Beşiktaş Municipality, TURYİD, and local businesses to offer free meals for full-time university students in Beşiktaş. Students can access partner restaurants, view meal options, and make reservations via Öğrenci'Ye app.
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Challenge / Goal
University students often face significant challenges when accessing healthy and affordable meals. Many students live in dormitories or rented apartments, and due to their demanding schedules, they often spend long hours on campus from early morning until late evening. This leaves them with little time or access to cooking facilities. Eating out regularly quickly becomes an unaffordable option because of their economic situation. Meals available in school cafeterias might not always be sufficient, nutritious, or tailored to the diverse dietary needs of all students. Despite these obstacles, all students deserve access to healthy and balanced meals. Addressing this issue is crucial not only for their physical well-being but also for their academic success, and overall quality of life.
By connecting students with local resources, such as partner restaurants offering free meals, a community-driven approach can help ease food insecurity and reduce the financial burden on students. This support fosters a sense of solidarity among local businesses, the municipality, and the student population, creating a sustainable support system.
The model promotes healthier lifestyles by ensuring students can focus on their studies and personal growth without worrying about food insecurity. It also strengthens social bonds within the community, providing an environment where all students have the opportunity to thrive.
To address university students' issue of food insecurity, the Öğrenci’Ye app connects them with local partner restaurants where they can enjoy free meals.
For Students
Account Set-up: After downloading the app (App Store or Google Play Store), students create an account and get verified by providing details such as their university, residence, and student ID.
Browse and Reserve: View available meals from partner restaurants and make reservations directly through the app.
For Restaurants and Cafes
Participation: Restaurants can join the app by selecting the "Sign in as Restaurant" option, entering details about the type and number of meals available, along with reservation information.
Update Offerings: Partner restaurants offer diverse menu options to cater to various tastes and dietary preferences, and they can easily update their offerings and reservation numbers through the app to meet students' needs.
By offering this solution, Öğrenci’Ye reduces students' financial burden while ensuring they have access to nutritious food. The app not only promotes students' well-being but also fosters social solidarity within the community, creating a sustainable support system that enables students to concentrate on their studies and personal growth without the worry of food insecurity.
Citizen participation
During the app's promotion and in identifying the needs of students, Beşiktaş Mayor frequently met with students and emphasized his commitment to listening to their opinions. Various events were organized for students at universities in Beşiktaşcto to engage them directly. The project relies on the participation and support of the community, especially restaurant owners. Through the app, students can also access other types of support besides reserving free meals at partnered restaurants. Students' feedback on user experience was invaluable for improving the app. It was created to promote equal educational opportunities, ensuring no young person becomes a victim of discriminatory policies based on social status.
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