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E-Power energy efficiency technology

Company: Energia Europa S.p.A.

The system is based on an innovative technology that reduces losses and generates energy efficiency improving the power quality, acting simultaneously on all the electrical parameters that compose the power

The new frontier of Energy Efficiency is called E-Power, join us to make it great.

The innovative and patented E-Power technology is a passive inductive dynamic filter with hybrid functions.

The technology can be compared with a noise reduction headset as an analogy as it works by injecting an electromagnetic field (back EMF) with an opposite flow, that improves the electrical transmission configuration, greatly reducing the losses and providing a number of benefits to the Power Quality.

The technology offers a centralised energy efficiency solution that only requires the simple installation, in series, of a single device, preferably downstream of the low voltage circuit breaker and upstream of the loads handled.

The technology has been successfully installed in many sectors like food processing, mechanical industry, plastic industry, office buildings, supermarkets, hotels, shopping centres, public sector facilities and independent third-party performance certification of the system is available.

The effectiveness of the proposed technology, widely tested in Europe in more than 900 installations, allows a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, so contributing to environmental sustainability.

E-Power: above the control board, below the power board where the heart of our technology is housed, the patented filter and bypass

Where is installed?

The technology offers a centralised energy efficiency solution that only requires the simple installation, in series, of a single device, preferably downstream of the low voltage circuit breaker and upstream of the loads handled.

Standard installation model



What it is?

At the heart of this patented filter technology, is the ability to inject in the power flow an electromagnetic field (back EMF) in opposition of phase (feedback loop), that improves the electrical transmission configuration, greatly reducing the losses and providing a number of benefits to the Power Quality.

The operating principle is based on the family of passive inductive filters, but with the peculiarity that the inductance is not constant, but it changes dynamically its filter impedance value adapting to the power absorption of the electrical network; in fact, due to a system of mutually coupled inductors and contactors, the E-Power system inductance dynamically changes its value, thus offering the possibility to increase or decrease the filtering capacity, producing greater or lesser benefits in terms of energy efficiency.

Thanks to the presence of reactive components and switches/contactors, there are no losses produced by the system and the self-consumption is practically undetectable, unlike what happens in active filters with resistors and switching power supply (SCRs, MOSFETs).


The patented Bypass system

The Bypass system ensures the continuity of the power supply on the load and allows the measurability of the performance. The heart of the Bypass system consists of an ABB electromechanical switch.

The ABB switch, fundamental for our technology, performs two main functions:

  1. it allows the E-Power to ensure continuity of the power supply to the electrical network, excluding the E-Power in case of malfunction or problems on the line. 
  2. it allows to make, according to a predefined protocol, a series of switching between the two operating modes: “Saving mode", filter activated, and “Bypass mode", filter deactivated, which allow to have an exact comparison between operation with and without the filter, measuring the value of the energy efficiency obtained.
The patented Bypass concept

What it does?

Reduces the losses on the line, improves the Power Quality and generates real efficiency, scientifically measurable, moreover reduces the downtimes.

The E-Power is based on an innovative and patented technology that generates energy efficiency improving the quality of energy, acting simultaneously on all electrical parameters that compose the power. To do this, it intervenes on electrical parameters that make up the power, improving the current waveform, reducing the disturbances (i.e. harmonics, etc...), helping to lower line losses, improving the crest and power factors, optimizing energy transmission on the line, stabilizing the voltage and current.

E-Power benefits summary

Working concept example

Imagine having to swim 100 metres in 10 minutes in a swimming pool (the swimmer is the electric load). As you swim to the other side of the pool (electrical network), you will create waves with your arms and legs movements.

Imagine you are doing this action again, but in the meantime, 20 more swimmers have been added to the pool, and with the movement of their arms and legs they will generate additional waves that will produce the effect of resisting your movement, or in other words, there will be more resistance while you swim to the other side of the pool. So, if you want to reach the other side of the pool again within 10 minutes, you will have to increase your effort and therefore more energy will be consumed to do the same work, due to the increased resistance.

Thanks to E-Power technology, the waves crashing against you from the other 20 people, who jumped into the pool, will be reduced. The effect described, what happened in the pool (electrical network) also happens in any real electrical system, and thanks to the installation of E-Power, the disturbances originating from other electrical loads will be substantially reduced, saving energy and stabilising the electrical network.

The potential impacts and benefits

Thanks to the Patented Bypass System and the monitoring guaranteed by E-Controller device, an electronic system based on web technology that enables the management and monitoring of the electrical system, it is possible to quickly measure the energy efficiency achieved by E-Power with scientific accuracy.

Through its effects on Power Quality, the E-Power reduces the susceptibility of the entire electrical system, increasing its efficiency and reliability thanks to a reduced deterioration of the equipment and reduced maintenance.

Another important benefit, not easily quantifiable, but always reported by our customers, particularly in the industrial sector, is the reduction of the downtimes, that in specific operations can lead to great economic losses.

Energia Europa headquarters
Energia Europa production dept.
E-Power command board
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