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About us

Founding Year: 2005   |   Location: Barcelona   |   Relevant Sectors: Mobility , Waste

At ZICLA we work to make cycling mobility safer and to make cities more accessible to all citizens. We do all this by creating products manufactured using the waste generated by the cities themselves. Our Zipper® system and our Zebra® family include cycle lane separators. Together with our Zebra® | Planter, these separators help promote safe urban cycling. Our Vectorial® system allows the assembly of platforms that improve urban accessibility in general, and accessibility at bus stops in particular.

Smart City/Region Status: We work to make cycling mobility safer and to make cities more accessible to all citizens. The way we work is fully adapted to the circular economy and we focus on the resources cycle, following a model based on reusing, repairing, remanufacturing and recycling existing materials and products, rather than using virgin materials. We manufacture all our products with different recycled materials. We have a team of professionals who are experts in ecodesign, mobility, traffic, materials, waste and the circular economy, with broad experience in developing solutions for cities.

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