Privacy Notice

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We put great importance to data protection and therefore use the data you provide to us with upmost care. You can handle the data you provide to us in your personal dashboard. You will find our complete regulations on data protection and clarification of your rights in our privacy notice. By using the website and its offers and navigating further, you accept the regulations of our privacy notice and terms and conditions.


WEtell GmbH

Freiburg im Breisgau

About us

Founding Year: 2020   |   Location: Freiburg im Breisgau   |   Relevant Sectors: Social Responsibility , Mobility , Security , ICT , Building

WEtell sets new standards in the mobile telecom market, adopting a comprehensive approach by integrating sustainable aspects such as climate protection, data privacy, fairness and transparency. As a purpose company, certified by the Economy for the Common Good, our goal is to achieve an economic transformation towards a sustainable society relying on human values.

Smart City/Region Status: WEtell offers a competitive portfolio for Smart Tech applications and Machine to Machine communication with a reliable LTE data connection for digital applications such as car tracking, alarm systems, parcel stations, charging stations, data transmission. WEtell covers your telecom requirements, from employee cell phones to industrial applications and Smart City concepts.

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