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About us

Founding Year: 2018   |   Location: Madrid   |   Relevant Sectors: Mobility , Other

Usyncro is a multimodal SaaS solution (land, sea, air and space), based on Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence to synchronize Supply Chain actors. Its team brings knowledge and experience in logistics, transportation, technology and financial environments to digitize the management of processes and procedures related to the shipment of goods. This 24/7 cloud solution includes a Marketplace of strategic services accessible to all types and sizes of companies, automating processes and achieving agility, transparency and security of transactions in a global, independent, open, interoperable and collaborative environment. Usyncro proposes a management model based on sustainability. It reduces by 80% the time spent on each file, allowing the pre-visualization of the documentation associated with the operation, reducing errors and avoiding the sending of physical documentation.

Smart City/Region Status: Usyncro aims to contribute to optimizing processes related to smartcity and to the evolution of the mobility sector with the use of blockchain technology. To this end, it will incorporate this technology, guaranteeing security in communications, providing agility in document management in the regulatory field and coordination between the different actors in the Lasr Mile environment. With the reference of the solution applied to Supply Chain management, Usyncro proposes Blockchain technology to provide the sector with its principles of collaboration, interoperability, independence, security and sustainability in the management of shipments.

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