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The Predictive Company

Barcelona, Spain

About us

Founding Year: 2019   |   Location: Barcelona, Spain   |   Relevant Sectors: Energy , Air , Building

The Predictive Company (TPC) is a spin-off of a project started at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona and has been funded through The Collider program, a Deep-Tech business creation program of the Mobile World Capital Foundation.

Smart City/Region Status: Out of all the energy consumed, 40% is consumed indoors and approximately 30% of it is wasted due to inefficiencies. The consequence of it is that both costs and CO2 emissions are high and the comfort in the building is lower. Our solution improves the comfort indoors. As it is a very subjective perception, it is difficult to quantify, but it is guaranteed by the fact that AI manages better the HVAC machines avoiding human error that bring to feel uncomfortable. It also secures responsible consumption and it will be necessary for the “Smart Cities” as they will require huge amount of energy when many vehicles will need charging and allows a better digitalization of industries using data to make smart decisions.

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