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Basque Country-Spain

About us

Founding Year: 2012   |   Location: Basque Country-Spain   |   Relevant Sectors: Other

TECNALIA is the largest centre of applied research and technological development in Spain, a benchmark in Europe and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. We collaborate with companies and institutions to improve their competitiveness, people's quality of life and achieve sustainable growth. We do it thanks to people who are passionate about technology and committed to building a better society. Its main scopes of action are: Smart Manufacturing, Digital Transformation, Energy Transition, Sustainable Mobility, Personalized Health and Urban Ecosystem.

Smart City/Region Status: We contribute to the positive transformation and development of the city and the region through a set of urban solutions serving a smart city vision, and the application of high-impact state-of-the-art technologies. We advocate for a people-centred urban model aligned with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. We help cities solve their challenges, build a vision, and get closer to that Smart City model. To do this, we have a unique set of city-related technologies, and combine them to generate comprehensive urban solutions.

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