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Pin Bike

Bari, Italy

About us

Founding Year: 2017   |   Location: Bari, Italy   |   Relevant Sectors: Mobility , Health

Pin Bike allows Municipalities and Public Administrations to engage and reward citizens that choose to use bicycles, carpooling and Public transports as their daily means of transportation. The project lies on patented technology that, thanks to a hardware connected to a Smartphone, allows to certify trips with an anti-fraud mechanism. The project has three main objectives: - Encourage citizens to be aware of sustainable mobility (either with bicycles, electric scooters and carpooling); - Encourage proximity trade and support local shops (the trips done using Pin Bike device can be traded with vouchers to be used exclusively with local shops); - Provide the Public Administrations with a digital tool through which they can monitor and plan traffic and urban mobility, check trip heat maps according to the time of the day, age, time-slots, send surveys and direct messages to citizens. Pin Bike represents a concrete push towards the concept of “Smart city”.

Smart City/Region Status: The company has patented a technology (Pin Bike Kit) for Smart Cities implemented successfully in almost 20 Italian Municipalities and soon in 2 EU Capitals that allows certifying the movements of people using electric and muscular bicycles. The patent consists of hardware to be installed on the bicycle front wheel that tracks the rotation of the wheel and synchronizes it with the movement of the GPS detected from the relevant Pin Bike APP so that all trips are certified, stored in the cloud and visible to Municipalities in a dedicated Dashboard. We are going to improve our hardware (Pin Bike Kit) and softwares (Pin Bike APP and Dashboard) so that new functionalities and value to stakeholders (Municipalities, Citizens, Research Centers) will be displaced with the mission to educate people to active urban mobility, support and foster local businesses, achieve , through technology, a smarter and greener Europe.

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