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About us

Founding Year: 2021   |   Location: Berlin   |   Relevant Sectors: Other

The Mitwirk-O-Mat shows people interested in volunteering where and how they can get involved in a easily accessible and playful way. The web application connects citizens with local initiatives, associations and organizations looking for new volunteers. In the participating cities and regions, users answer a short series of questions about their interests. Based on the match of their answers with engagement opportunities, these are suggested to them in a ranking. In this way, the project promotes the social engagement of the local population and thus supports various components of sustainability as well as solidarity and social justice.

Smart City/Region Status: Smart city for us is a sustainable city where local engagement is high, and the wish to improve the living environment and accessibility for all is strong. Our project, Mitwirk-O-Mat, allows citizens to easily get involved with local initiatives, and local initiatives to create stronger local solidarity networks.

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