Privacy Notice

Welcome on BABLE

We put great importance to data protection and therefore use the data you provide to us with upmost care. You can handle the data you provide to us in your personal dashboard. You will find our complete regulations on data protection and clarification of your rights in our privacy notice. By using the website and its offers and navigating further, you accept the regulations of our privacy notice and terms and conditions.


MIROS Technology

About us

Founding Year: 2023   |   Location: Switzerland   |   Relevant Sectors: Building

We use existing infrastructure and modify them into adaptive spaces, allowing each person to require less ground space to enjoy the same set of activities they currently have – at home, in the office, or in sport environments. Making the footprint smaller, and therefore more sustainable.

Smart City/Region Status: Our solution reduces the space taken by offices and housing, while improving the quality of life. Making the city more sustainable, by reducing the footprint, the transportation impact, and improve mental health quality.

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