About us
Founding Year: 2002
Worldwide (operating from Lyon + Seoul)
Relevant Sectors:
, Mobility
, Health
, Security
LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) is the international network of cities on urban lighting.
Created 20 years ago, today, LUCI is a non-profit organisation bringing together over 70 member cities worldwide that use light as a tool for social, cultural and economic development. It also includes over 50 associated members from the lighting industry, design agencies and research institutes.
Through the organisation of international events and by piloting lighting projects and research initiatives within its working groups, LUCI helps cities harness the potential of light to create sustainable and people-focused urban spaces.
Smart City/Region Status:
Smart cities and Smart Lighting are an important part of the discussions around urban lighting inside LUCI. Since technologies are evolving fast, cities share and exchange knowledge inside LUCI to keep track of trends, hear about tried and tested initiatives, tendering, etc. visiting pilots, peer learning etc. Key topics are interoperability, smart poles, EV charging, energy saving, CO² reduction, tackling light pollution, maintenance and asset management, privacy, data & cyber security, new lighitng scenarios, links to other smart city functionnalities, and more ! .
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