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Humanising Autonomy

London, UK

About us

Founding Year: 2019   |   Location: London, UK   |   Relevant Sectors: Mobility , Building

We teach machines to understand how people behave to ensure human/machine interaction is safe, efficient and – most importantly – more human. Our ethical computer-vision software understands and predicts human behaviour so that we can quickly, safely and accurately provide the context around the interactions between people and machines, whether it’s a vehicle, a traffic control, a digital advertisement or any other automated machine. For real-time insight or historical analytics, all we need is to connect to your existing camera or access your video footage. We’ll help you understand what’s happening, what’s about to happen and why, so that you can make smarter, faster and better-informed business decisions.

Smart City/Region Status: Humanising Autonomy envisions a safer, pleasant and more human-centric world in which technology is built around people and not the other way around. We work with customers to address some of their biggest challenges – such as excessive and irrelevant data, overly complex systems, data sources that don’t speak to each other and big promises at large costs – so they can focus on what truly matters: the happiness of their citizens. With citizen safety the number-one priority, our Behaviour AI platform focuses on reducing dangerous road accidents and understanding how and why near miss events happen. Using our modular technology, we can work with camera based hardware and software providers to detect whether a risky situation has taken place and informing both the Intelligent Traffic Control System and local safety units of potential issues.

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