Privacy Notice

Welcome on BABLE

We put great importance to data protection and therefore use the data you provide to us with upmost care. You can handle the data you provide to us in your personal dashboard. You will find our complete regulations on data protection and clarification of your rights in our privacy notice. By using the website and its offers and navigating further, you accept the regulations of our privacy notice and terms and conditions.




About us

Founding Year: 2013   |   Location: MALAGA   |   Relevant Sectors: Social Responsibility , Mobility

The company was born in Malaga and specialized in developing technological solutions for the public administration and smart cities, as well as companies that want to improve their processes throughout the use of technology.

Smart City/Region Status: We find ourselves in a time where the use of mobile phones is widely extended between the population. In this context, municipalities are trying to give citizens access to the different services they offer. Currently, a big problem cities are facing is the quantity of different apps they have, and the confusion this can create among the citizens. After the pandemic situation, we all realize the importance of having trustable sources of information, and Gecor is working since then in providing this integrated and trustable platform that connects cities with their citizens. Our objective is to facilitate communication and to improve the quality of life in the cities.

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