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Lund, Sweden

About us

Founding Year: 2015   |   Location: Lund, Sweden   |   Relevant Sectors: Energy , Mobility , Health , Building

Elonroad offers fully automatic EV charging unlocking unlimited range. Rails in the street supply vehicles on the go. We drive the transition from fossil-fuel mobility to sustainable electric mobility. The system is estimated to reduce traffic emissions by 7.66Mt CO2 until 2050.

Smart City/Region Status: - Electric vehicle range anxiety and slow EV uptake due to prohibitive costs and charging capacities, as well as reduced up-time for EV commercial vehicles (e.g. delivery trucks, taxis). - Spatial planning for sufficient, traditional (cable-based) charging poles is very challenging in cities. - Weight of vehicles is prohibitive to payload, higher friction on tyres means higher inner-city pollution. - Pollution of last mile deliveries in cities (and traffic in general) is a massive health risk for citizens. - high peak demands unto the energy grid during "charging rush hours". - complicated ownership structures of charging capacities and billing models - currently no automated charging whatsoever for autonomous transport

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