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dan pearlman Group


About us

Founding Year: 1999   |   Location: Berlin   |   Relevant Sectors: Other

Brand management is becoming increasingly complex – more and more touchpoints, higher price pressure, less customer loyalty. We believe the challenges of the future cannot be met by classical agencies and management consultants, or by any one company on its own. Businesses need to build lasting connections to their customers and offer them a relevant experience at every single touchpoint. That’s why we founded dan pearlman Group: a collection of specialized enterprises working together to create a shared experience for our clients: emotional, relevant, and commercially successful. Our carefully coordinated process makes the entire customer journey into an integrated brand experience.

Smart City/Region Status: We invent tomorrow’s inner cities, districts and public spaces. Our cities are currently undergoing a radical transformation. In the future, especially the quality of stay will decide over the success of a place. We develop projects under the principle of “Planet, People, Profit” and thus create worthwhile experience spaces.

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