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Loughborough (UK)

About us

Founding Year: 2005   |   Location: Loughborough (UK)   |   Relevant Sectors: Energy , Mobility

Cenex was established as the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell technologies in 2005. Today, Cenex focuses on low emission transport & associated energy infrastructure and operates as an independent, not-for-profit research technology organisation (RTO) and consultancy, specialising in project delivery, innovation support and market development. We also organise Cenex-LCV, the UK’s premier low carbon vehicle event, to showcase the latest technology and innovation in the industry. Our independence ensures impartial, trustworthy advice, and, as a not-for-profit, we are driven by the outcomes that are right for you, your industry and your environment, not by the work which pays the most or favours one technology. Finally, as trusted advisors with expert knowledge, we are the go-to source of guidance and support for public and private sector organisations along their transition to a zero-carbon future and will always provide you with the insights and solutions that reduce pollution, increase efficiency and lower costs. Together, we can lower your emissions through innovation in transport and energy infrastructure.

Smart City/Region Status: We undertake R&D projects to lower emission from transport in cities, including automated mobility, and shared and sustainable mobility. We also help local authorities in consultancy projects to deliver mobility hubs in ideal locations to cover all modes of transport: micro-mobility, public transport, shared modes, etc., including procurement processes for charging infrastructure (type, sizing, location, etc.).

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