Privacy Notice

Welcome on BABLE

We put great importance to data protection and therefore use the data you provide to us with upmost care. You can handle the data you provide to us in your personal dashboard. You will find our complete regulations on data protection and clarification of your rights in our privacy notice. By using the website and its offers and navigating further, you accept the regulations of our privacy notice and terms and conditions.


BetterPoints Ltd

About us

Founding Year: 2010   |   Location: United Kingdom   |   Relevant Sectors: Social Responsibility , Mobility , Air , Health

We change how people move. BetterPoints behaviour change technology shifts people to active and sustainable travel, and generates masses of data on impact and behaviour.

Smart City/Region Status: BetterPoints’ vision of a smart city is one in which everyone has a stake in keeping it safe, healthy and green. Our app-based behaviour change programmes reward citizens for changing their transport behaviour, engage them in infrastructure plans, identify patterns and measure impact. We help councils and businesses reduce unnecessary car journeys, cut carbon emissions from non-essential travel, reduce demand for parking, and promote initiatives such as walking and cycling schemes.

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