Event date
31.01.2023 12:00 - 13:30


In 2023, governments and corporations will continue to prioritise the need to provide social value. But unlike the more conventional fields of engineering and building, proving and quantifying the social benefit of smart cities may be challenging. TechUK will be doing a webinar, where we will learn about how technology businesses, procurement experts, and a local government are tackling this topic. @Peter Griffiths our expert on Global Urban Futures will be part of this insightful webinar.

The speakers will focus on answering the following questions:

  • What do smart city suppliers need to understand about social value?
  • What does it actually mean in the context of smart cities?
  • How do we measure it when technology use cases are still emerging?
  • How can it be communicated back to local communities effectively?
  • How should we rethink procurement frameworks to support new approaches?

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