The way we, as Humans, have developed our Lifestyle, is having a negative impact on our Earths’ warming up: Currently, we find ourselves at a rate of about 0.17 °C per decade. Additionally the effort on reducing the carbon budget to limit an increase of 1.5°C, established in the Paris Agreement, still requires major actions.
The Morgenstadt Innovation Network organizes three times per year conferences seeking to discuss and transform city challenges in innovative solutions shaping the Urban future of our cities. The first Morgenstadt Conference of the year will take place in Leipzig on the 4th and 5th of April on CO2 Neutral Smart Cities. The main goal of this Conference is to define an action- and roadmap- to find solutions on  how to decrease our CO2 emissions in the sectors of Energy, Mobility, Data and Buildings. Research Institutions, companies and cities will come together to deepen their knowledge in those areas and to expand their own scope of action in order to meet the current challenges that cities are facing. This is especially important because, according to the Global Climate Action Summit 2018, annual emissions related to existing buildings were about 9 Gt CO2e in 2016, 40% from non-residential buildings and 60% of those coming from residential, meaning that each one of us has a say in reducing CO2 emissions.

Here you can find the full program, and  the Agenda of the Conference, and by clicking in this link, you can get registered to the event. Registrations will be open until the 24th of March 2019.