Smart City Ready Certification (OUPEN)
City Profile / Needs
OUPEN Certification: Unlock the power of a "Plug and Play" culture of smart city solutions.
- The Callenge:
Currently, technological development is much faster than many city officers can keep up with.
Cities tend to struggle with technical and personnel capacity when it comes to decision making regarding innovative and technological solutions.
As a consequence, smart projects suffer from a patchwork of non-compatible products and components that are difficult to integrate in an urban
data ecosystem.
- The Solution:
The OUPEN-SmartCity Certification is the first certification of its kind to solve this challenge by objectively assessing smart city products and solutions. These assessments are based on conformance to open standards to ensure solutions that are replicable and interoperable. The assessment process is applicable broadly and includes the 30 most relevant standards for the smart cities market.
The certification strengthens vendors‘ positions towards cities and streamlines the decision-making process for certified solutions.
More information about the OUPEN reference architecture: here