INVITATION: INDIMO 3rd Co-creation Workshop
INVITATION: 3rd INDIMO Co-creation Workshop ‘Co-creating the INDIMO Policy Evaluation Tool’
30 September 2021, 10.00 - 13.00 h CEST
This workshop is a part of the series of Co-creation workshops and events the INDIMO project partners have been conducting to create the INDIMO digital mobility toolbox. This toolbox will provide a framework and guidelines to transport and logistic stakeholders for the design and implementation of accessible and inclusive digital mobility systems and its related products and services.
The objective of the workshop is to present, discuss and refine the first version of one of the components of that toolbox, the INDIMO policy evaluation tool. This tool is expected to aid policymakers, user organisations (NGOs), operators and other mobility professionals in evaluating to what extent an available or proposed digital mobility or logistic solution meets the needs of (potential) users in their city or region in terms of accessibility, inclusion, cybersecurity and personal data protection, and highlight the barriers and deficiencies. It will be in the format of a self-assessment questionnaire and will also give user behaviour nudging suggestions and recommendations to overcome the identified barriers. Furthermore, the tool will allow policymakers to design strategies necessary for reducing digital exclusion in the digital mobility system.
In this workshop, the development of the policy evaluation tool will be explained, and a first concept version of the tool will be presented to collect inputs from workshop participants in terms of importance of topics covered by the tool and identification of any additional topics that should be covered by the tool. The refined version of the policy evaluation tool will then be tested in INDIMO pilots and later by a wider network of cities for appraising its transferability.
The discussion sessions will cover the application of the policy evaluation tool in the following cases:
evaluation of an existing or proposed digital mobility or logistic service,
evaluation of existing or proposed mobility policies of a local or regional authority.
A draft agenda is attached. Additionally, some material regarding the workshop’s content will be shared in the European Transport and Mobility Forum ( If you have trouble logging in or forgot your password, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are not yet a member, an invitation will follow separately.
If you would like to attend the workshop, please register here:
When registering, please select the type of stakeholder that describes your profile best. The dial-in link will be sent to you in due time.