You've created a BABLE user account, great! You are one step closer to all of the opportunities that BABLE can bring to your business. 

Are you joining as a company? By creating your company profile page you will unlock all of our communication channels, namely POST, USE CASES, and PRODUCTS. USE CASES and PRODUCTS can provide an all-rounding representation of your product or service. 

  • Use Cases are real-life case studies explaining how your solution has solved an urban challenge. Each Use Case contains achieved benefits, implementation driving factors, financial information, and advice for replication.
  • Products are commercial descriptions highlighting the details, features, requirements, and benefits of your product. 

Combining both is the perfect way to voice out your amazing work! A study by Hubspot found that only 29% of buyers want to talk to a salesperson to learn more about a product. 

As a Business Developer at BABLE, my job is to guide you through our platform and services so that your company can benefit the most. Interested? Send me a quick message through our chat!