
Spain, like many European countries, has implemented laws and regulations aimed at improving digital services provided by the government. One of the most relevant laws in Spain regarding this matter is the Spanish Law 11/2007, of June 22, on electronic access of citizens to public services (Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los servicios públicos). This law establishes the general framework for the provision of electronic services by public authorities in Spain, and it aims to improve the quality and efficiency of public services, as well as to promote the use of electronic means of communication by citizens.


The law establishes the obligation for public authorities to provide electronic access to their services through a single point of access, the so called “Electronic Office” (Oficina Virtual). This portal provides a unified access point for citizens, where they can find information about the services offered by the different public authorities and complete procedures online.


The Spanish Government has also taken steps to improve digital services provided by the public sector through the National Plan for Digital Administration (Plan Nacional de Administración Electrónica) which focuses on the digitization of public services and the modernization of the public administration, with the goal of providing citizens with more efficient, faster, and more accessible public services.


It's worth noting that while both laws have similar objectives, the OZG in Germany is more recent and has more specific requirements and deadlines than the Spanish Law 11/2007, and the Digital Council that it established.