Dusseldorf, Germany

 Düsseldorf, the capital of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, has been actively working to become a smart city. The city has implemented a number of initiatives aimed at making the city more sustainable, efficient, and livable.

One of the key initiatives in Düsseldorf's smart city strategy is the use of digital technology to improve public services. The city has implemented a number of e-government services, such as online portals and mobile apps, that make it easy for citizens to access information and services from the city government.

Another important aspect of Düsseldorf's smart city strategy is the use of technology to improve energy efficiency. The city is working to reduce its carbon footprint by increasing the use of renewable energy sources and promoting energy-efficient buildings. Additionally, Düsseldorf is working to promote electric mobility through the implementation of charging infrastructure and the support of e-mobility projects.

Düsseldorf is also working to improve transportation in the city by implementing a "Green Wave" system, which uses traffic lights to improve the flow of bicycles and bicycles with electric drive, also it works on the implementation of dynamic traffic management and the use of autonomous vehicles.

In addition, the city is working to make its public spaces more attractive, by promoting the use of smart lighting and other technology that can improve the quality of life in these spaces. For example the city has installed various public WiFi networks in the city center to support tourists and citizens, it also encourages the use of smart city technologies in the design of new buildings and public spaces to make them more energy efficient, comfortable and attractive for residents, visitors and tourists.

Overall, Düsseldorf is working to become a smart city by using technology to improve the quality of life for its residents and visitors, while also making the city more sustainable and efficient

Link: https://www.duesseldorf.de/fileadmin/Amt10/hauptamt/it/I_und_K/Digitale_Strategie_2017-2021.pdf