12/03/2023 - CASTELLÓ. The City Council of Onda continues working on its Smart City strategy to facilitate the daily life of citizens, to be more efficient and useful in the sustainable development of the city. Thus, the municipal government has conducted a participatory workshop, made up of technicians, experts and companies in the technology and tourism sector, to define new smart actions for the 2050 horizon.

The activity, promoted by the specialized company BABLE Smart Cities, has been developed through four thematic tables: tourism, to foster its growth; mobility, to promote sustainability; energy, to reduce the impact of climate change; and environment and quality of life, for a quality environmental management. Among the main ideas that emerged were the need to improve sustainable mobility from the urban center to the industrial areas, the commitment to clean energies that favor decarbonization, tourism and commercial development through public-private collaboration, and the increase of green areas and spaces dedicated to children.

Deputy Mayor Óscar Valero has been in charge of welcoming the participants and has highlighted that "in this workshop we are going to imagine the future and shape it. We will think and reflect on the city we want for ourselves and future generations. And we will see how technology and innovation can facilitate our daily lives and add quality of life to the people of Onda".

Onda Smart City

Onda Smart City is an ambitious project promoted by the City Council and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the implementation and development of the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy. Among the highlights of the initiative is the installation of sensors that prevent forest fires; the environmental motorization of green areas; the measurement of traffic levels; an intelligent parking locator; or intelligent irrigation in parks that allows water and energy savings of up to 30%, in addition to allowing remote management of the municipal irrigation infrastructure, which facilitates better conservation of vegetation.