Onda City Council together with BABLE achieves a new milestone in its Smart City strategy by applying for new European grants. 

Onda City Council has successfully applied for the Scalable Cities Action Grant in a joint project with the company BABLE Smart Cities. This grant, awarded by the European Commission, is a new milestone in the ambitious Onda Smart City strategy, focused on improving the quality of life of the municipality through participation and transparency tools driven by the use of information and communication technologies. 

The candidate project is a governance plan included in the 2030 Development Goals and designed together with BABLE Smart Cities, a company specialised in urban sustainability processes. This project has key characteristics to qualify for the aid as it is focused on the use of innovative technologies to provide solutions to citizens' problems. 

In this sense, the deputy mayor for Innovation, Vicent Bou, expressed his "satisfaction to see the work being done in Onda, from all areas, to reach the next level also opting for European aid". "We are a transparent, innovative and sustainable municipality that must aspire to everything and assert these strengths," he said. 

Successful brand 

The actions of the Onda Smart City brand are bearing fruit in the form of awards and grants. The Regional Ministry for Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society recently awarded 100,000 euros from its 'Innovative Territories' grants. The City Council's innovative public procurement strategy also received 242,000 euros from the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI). In addition, the Consistory was recognised as the most transparent municipality in the Valencia Region by the Infoparticipa seal promoted by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the CEU Cardenal Herrera University, in collaboration with the Spanish Government.