German BABLE Smart Cities, which provides solutions to help public and private organizations collaborate to develop future sustainable cities, has just established its Nordic-Baltic head office in Copenhagen.

When we first got in touch with Copenhagen Capacity (organization for investment promotion and regional development in Eastern Denmark, ed .), we had no plans to expand in Denmark, but it quickly became clear to us that the Danish capital was an ideal location. For a German company like ours, Denmark is a perfect bridge to the rest of the Nordic region, says Global Partnerships & Communications Lead, Tamlyn Shimizu, in a press release from Copenhagen Capacity.

She also points to the many companies in the capital area with a focus on green solutions for the cities of the future as a contributing reason for the establishment in Denmark.

To lead the Nordic-Baltic office in BloxHub on Copenhagen's waterfront, Bable has hired Henrik Morgen, and the company expects to expand the team in Copenhagen in the coming years to also include local consultants, trainers, business developers and a full regional team that can drive urban and regional changes in the Nordics in the local context, it is formulated in the press release.

Bable Smart Cities, a spinoff of the Fraunhofer Institute IAO, was established in Stuttgart in 2017. One of the core products is the company's Smart City platform, where companies, organizations and cities all over the world can share examples of sustainable solutions and learn from each other's experiences. The company also offers advice and training, which gives decision-makers better opportunities to develop the sustainable cities of the future.

The company collaborates with hundreds of private and public organizations in cities around Europe on everything from so-called smart district roadmapping, stakeholder engagement and innovation ecosystems to the definition and packaging of user cases within mobility, energy, data, governance and much more. The German company has recently expanded in Barcelona, ​​London, Düsseldorf and with a new branch in Romania.