IN-MOVE by Railgrup announces the creation of a new in-move Working Group dedicated to women in the mobility sector: Women on the Move. The primary objective of this group is to promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion in all areas related to mobility, thus seeking a more equitable and prosperous sector.


Throughout history, women have been underrepresented in the mobility field, and we strongly believe that it is essential to address this disparity in order to drive positive and meaningful change in the industry. With this new Task Force, we are committed to taking concrete steps to achieve equality and empower women in all facets of the mobility industry.

-IN-MOVE by Railgrup, 2023


Fundamental Principles

Encourage the active participation of women: We want to create a safe, valued and empowering environment in which women feel encouraged to participate fully in technical, managerial and decision-making roles in mobility. We will promote equal opportunity and remove barriers to women's full participation in this industry.

2. Promote equal representation: We commit to actively seek equal representation of women in all stages of mobility development, from research to governance. We recognize that greater diversity in the industry leads to more informed decision-making and more innovative solutions.

3. Foster training and professional development opportunities: Through educational programs, mentoring and support networks, we will promote opportunities for growth and excellence in technical and leadership skills for women in the mobility industry.

4. Foster inclusive research and innovation: We recognize the importance of research and innovation to improve mobility. We are committed to promoting inclusive approaches that take into account gender perspectives and address the needs and concerns of all people in the planning and design of sustainable transportation systems.

Committed companies

The Women on the Move Working Group is made up of a set of leading companies and entities in the mobility sector, including Alstom, Talgo, Cinesi, Eurecat, BABLE Smart Cities, Enide, Inetum, ATM, FGC, ConnectingBrains, TMB, Tecnocampus and the Som Dones platform. Together, we aspire to transform the mobility sector into one that reflects the diversity of skills and talents of both women and men.


Boosting talent

The official launch of the Task Force will be celebrated with the first event entitled "Boosting Talent in Mobility", which will take place on October 4 at the Espai Albert Vilalta (FGC) in Barcelona. This day will feature inspiring lectures, panel discussions and networking opportunities to share ideas and best practices.

Women on the Move is committed to change and action to create a more inclusive and equitable future in the mobility sector. Join us in this exciting initiative and be part of the change in the sustainable mobility and multimodal logistics industry! Together, we can build a more just and prosperous future for all.