Challenge / Goal
The initiative is being implemented due to the traffic challenges that are faced outside both St Oliver Plunkett’s and St Andrew’s Primary Schools in Malahide. The challenges include school gate congestion, unsafe parking and blocking of footpaths, road safety risks due to vehicular movements, children being exposed to excess air pollution, and car-dependent children being less physically active.
Following extensive community consultation throughout 2019, a section of Grove Road was selected to be transformed into a car-free, pedestrian and cycling zone. Certain exemptions are available for residents living on this section of the road and for certain disabled badge holders who need to park to pick up or drop off children. School Streets does not operate on school holidays or at weekends.
“Park and Stride” zones have been established within a 15 minute walk of the schools, allowing children to walk to and from school, while reducing central traffic congestion.
“Walking Buses” were also established to facilitate active travel. Typically a “Walking Bus” is a group of primary school children who walk to and from school, led by an adult at the front and back of the ‘bus’. All participants wear fluorescent reflective jackets and children are supervised until they reach school, home, or are met by a parent. The bus travels along a pre-arranged route collecting or dropping off children at ‘bus stops’ along the way.
Parking permits have been issued to parents of St. Andrews and St. Oliver Plunkett’s as part of the initiative, to permit free parking in the surrounding Park and Stride car parks and along the Mall for a short duration during drop off and collection times. The permits operate for 2 hours at the collection and drop off times. This allows parents and guardians to shop locally, resulting in increased business in the village.
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