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Challenge / Goal

Install a smart parking stop for private bicycles and scooters in order to generate social mobiliento of adolescents in the municipality. In this way, to generate this change so that in a few years we can increase the number of anchor points in the community and promote sustainable transport among all.


The Onroll system has intelligent stops with integrated locks 2 for each module, the system is accessed via APP. To register, I scan the QR to sign up with your name, a username and an email. Subsequently we enter a new QR to access the system,
select the stop "IES Rafelbunyol", enter the padlock, and type the anchor code. It remains locked and only the user will be able to open the padlock again.

Citizen participation

In Discomon we know that to ensure the success of our solutions, to generate the change towards the ecological transition and sustainability, we need to count on the users, the citizens of Rafelbunyol. Therefore, in this case we have carried out together with the City Council of Rafelbunyol an event "La festa de la mobilitat" where we have carried out citizen awareness activities and we have inaugurated the stop to have an opportunity to explain how the system works.


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Time period

Planning time: Less than 6 months

Implementation time: Less than 6 months



Service providers


End users

All citizens - especially high school students - are invited to participate in the

    Main benefits

  • Promoting sustainable behaviour

  • Promoting active living

  • Promoting sustainable private transport models

  • Improving parking

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