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Challenge / Goal

Many European cities need to increase recycling rates in multi-family residential areas.Typically recycling levels in such areas are around 15% or lower, whereas average national recycling levels often reach 50% and higher. Space and accessibility restrictions for introducing recycling as well as means of providing continuous information and instantaneous feedback on correct behaviours are challenges for reaching higher recycling levels.

The aim of the Smart Waste Management measure of Grow Smarter project is to demonstrate a smart waste solution for residential areas using differently colored bags for different sorts of waste, transporting the bags long distance underground and sorting them automatically in the collection station. This solution will enable a cost efficient and smarter combined solution, with the possibility of providing feedback to endusers on their waste segregation habit. 


Under the smart waste collection system measure, a number of sub-solutions including Optical Sorting Technologies, Introduction of Automated Waste Collecting System in an Existing Neighborhood and Waste Collection Statistics for Individual Households/Businesses have been implemented.

With the optical sorting system, users are provided with different coloured waste bags corresponding to the different waste streams that are collected by the municipality. For example, green could be used for food, red for paper and yellow for cardboard packaging. The waste is segregated and put into the bags right where it is produced, for example at home. When the user puts his/her waste into the waste inlet, the user is identified alongside the type (by colour of bag) and weight of waste being deposited. The bags are sorted automatically using camera technology that recognises the colour of the bag. 

In this use case, the implementation of the optical sorting of waste is divided into two steps: 

  • Apartment specific sorting of several waste fractions is planned and implemented as part of the new kitchens in each apartment.
  • Inlets which optically can read, define and document the waste fraction is installed outdoors close to the buildings in Valla Torg.



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Time period

Implementation time: 1 to 2 years

    Main benefits

  • Promoting sustainable disposal of waste

  • Improving life quality

  • Promoting sustainable behaviour

  • Improved data accessibility

  • Enhanced data collection

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