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Challenge / Goal

The main goal of the city of Madrid’s Traffic Safety Plan (Plan de Seguridad Vial 2012-2020) is to reduce casualties caused by traffic by 50%, and the number of serious injuries by 30%, by 2020. In this Use Case, the city of Madrid conducted a comprehensive road safety study in the demonstration area, complemented by a GIS-based tool and public participation to boost road safety.


The road safety study is supported by the development of an application, based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS), for mapping road safety incidents. These are categorised by type - for instance, involving cyclists, pedestrians etc., as well as high-risk locations - either real or perceived. The road safety study is composed of:

  • Definition of traffic Safety Indicators
  • Collection and systematisation of data linked to street safety through an application developed and based on GIS
  • Calculation of traffic safety indicators in sections of the street with homogeneous characteristics
  • Identification of points/sections of accident concentration
  • Identification of points/sections with compromised traffic safety levels (real and perceived)
  • Identification of environments likely to perform actions to improve traffic safety
  • Definition of prioritisation criteria and type of actions to be carried out

The public are encouraged to report on road safety hazards and incidents using apps, thus participating in the process of improving mobility. This information then feeds into the GIS-based application. Citizens also engage in other road safety actions in Madrid’s ‘living labs’ (Puente de Vallecas and Villa de Vallecas). The GIS-based tool also serves to monitor traffic safety measures included in Madrid’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).

In addition, new technologies are used to further promote traffic safety conditions by introducing tools that range from intelligent speed humps and smart signage to blind spot alerts, etc.

Citizen participation

Several meetings have been held with representatives from the relevant municipal services, aimed at defining the information transfer protocol to perform a diagnosis on road safety in the specified range. These have also served to help define the information that will feed into the future app. Meetings have been held with entities and representatives from other administrations with ICT programmes or applications with similar functionalities as those under development. Administrations that have software with similar functionalities have been identified, as have barriers to data integration.



Mapping road safety incidents

Monitor traffic safety measures

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End users

All Citizens

    Main benefits

  • Enhanced data collection

  • Improving travel safety

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