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Challenge / Goal

Urbanomy develops an integrated vision to provide operational-ready recommendations at the planning phase to reach carbon neutrality for real estate projects. Planning processes have to be rethought to take into account energy and mobility from Day 1, in order to make the challenge of carbon neutrality achievable.


For this new development of 2200 homes, a science park, a school, a health centre and a park & ride, we simulated the future energy demand of the buildings and vehicles, assessed the solar potential, quantified the flexibility from residential thermal storage, batteries and electric vehicles through V1G/V2G. The potential revenues through grid services supporting the transport and distribution grid has been assessed to support the business model of this innovative development. We adopted a scenario-based approach to define the best energy and mobility scheme to reach net zero, between a decentralised, centralised and hybrid system. The outputs provided key insights for the overall energy demand, self consumption, peak demand reduction potential, bill savings and revenues.

Citizen participation

Along the project, local stakeholders were involved to question the results through dedicated sessions. The project was overviewed by the Smart and Fair Neighbourhood group, led by the Low Carbon Hub, a local community energy hub. In partnership with the Local Energy Oxfordshire (LEO) project, the SFN group is supporting local development and creating value for the community. Two workshops have been organised before the start of the study to compile ideas and needs, and to present the early stage definition of the methodology. During the project timeline, two additional workshops with the local group took place to exchange on the results at regular intervals. At the end of the study, presentations to the local group and to the LEO project partners have allowed the disseminatation of knowledge gained and an exchange on replicability.


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Time period

Planning time: 2 to 5 years

Implementation time: More than 5 years



Service providers

Urbanomy; Oxfordshire County Council

End users

Oxfordshire County Council

    Main benefits

  • Reducing use of fossils

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