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Challenge / Goal

The amount of daily trips made with personal cars between Ülemiste City, Tallinn International Airport and the Ülemiste shopping center proved that the distances between these three areas are not covered with an efficient transportation network. Our main goal was to significantly reduce these numbers during the project and hence, to reduce the dependency on personal cars in the area in the future.

The bigger vision of the project was to further develop the Smart City concept and connect the self-driving shuttles seamlessly with the existing transportation systems in the future. 


In order to reduce the use of personal cars, two autonomous shuttles were integrated into the existing infrastructure. The purpose of the shuttles was to enhance the current transportation network and offer a quick way to travel the frequently visited last-mile distances. The project was carried our for 2 months within the EU Horizon2020 FABULOS project. 

Citizen participation

We offered an opportunity to travel the distances more conveniently, providing a safe and sustainable ride that was free of charge to all the passengers. In return, we had the opportunity to gather detailed feedback about the overall experience of the ride from the passengers.


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Time period

Planning time: 6 months to 1 year

Implementation time: Less than 6 months


Mobile Civitatem Consortium

Service providers

Auve Tech

End users

All Citizens; Visitors

    Main benefits

  • Enhancing tourism experience

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