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Create a Use Case

Add a new Use Case to our web page, to share it with the community.

Please fill in all the information in English or switch to another language:
Why is this important? All member-generated content is automatically translated into all the languages available on the platform. The translation is done based on the currently selected language, which is why the information you provide should match the current language.

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General Info

Provide a self-explanatory and unique name, which gives the readers a clear idea of the Use Case contents. (Maximum of 60 Characters) This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

Choose a scale for the Use Case

Specify the city/region/district where the Use Case will be / has been implemented This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

Year the Use Case Started Implementation Implementation year is a mandatory field and has to have 4 digits

Choose all relevant sectors

Select all benefits from the list that your Use Case entails

Select the Sustainable Development Goals that your Use Case contributes to.

Who uses the implemented system?

Who operates / maintains the system?

Who builds the Use Case / was involved in the implementation?

Do you have further information about the Use Case on a website? Please add it here.


Provide a brief overview of the entire Use Case in easy to understand words. (Maximum of 300 Characters) This is a mandatory field that can not be empty and has to contain between 20 and 300 characters.

Help the readers understand why this Use Case was initiated and what goals did you set to achieve . This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

List the steps you took and the solutions you implemented to solve the challenge . This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

How are / were citizens involved in the development? (E.g.: surveys or co-creation workshops to inform citizens and get their opinion) .

Time from first idea to project approval

Time from project approval to when the Use Case was operational

Financial details

In what range was the initial investment in the project? This will help the reader get an idea of how much it will cost them approxiately to implement. (in Euros)

List products and services that are included in the Initial Investment. In what scale?

Choose the type of funds and mention the percentage of initial investment contributed by each. (Sum should not be greater than 100) You have to specify the source of funding in the provided text field when choosing "Other". This is a mandatory field and the percentages have to add up to 100 percent. Right now they are at

Any specific funding tools/schemes that were used

List all kinds of benefits that have a monetary value, describe the business model This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

The payback period when the cummulative gains from the investment equals the cummulative costs

Insights & Results

What impact did the Use Case have after implementation? Were the goals achieved? This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

List any kind of legal, geographical, social, infrastructural factors that supported the success of the project

What were the challenges you faced during implementation? How did you overcome these? What suggestions/advice would you have for cities wanting to replicate the Solution This is a mandatory field that can not be empty.

Do you plan to upscale/replicate the Solution or add new features?

Images *
(max. 2Mb)

Upload images that show the process / results of your Use Case. Uploading at least one image is mandatory.

Add a link to a YouTube video which shows the process / results of your Use Case

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