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Energy-efficient heating, hot water and cooling systems

Company: Bosch Group

Highly efficient heating, cooling, and hot water systems for apartments, buildings and even entire cities with connectivity features.

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Connected energy systems for maximum efficiency

Connected heat generators allow more than just safe remote access for the operators: thanks to a gateway to customer service, the machine’s condition can be assessed remotely, and malfunctions reduced or even prevented. Operators can also access and control their systems remotely and conveniently evaluate system efficiency.


  • Secure remote access — anytime
  • Simple and convenient for the user
  • Gateway to the Bosch customer service
  • Reduced energy costs thanks to intelligent analysis
  • Possible to combine heat and distributed power generation


Companies operating combined heat and power units can obtain quick and easy access to relevant system data via the Master Energy Control (MEC) Remote web portal. The data can be called up with any commercially available desktop PC or smartphone. The visualisation of current operating values in text form or as a graphic overview ensures that there is a comprehensive overview of the system, as well as convenient and cost-effective remote monitoring. A notification service via SMS or e-mail gives important status reports such as maintenance or faults. The display of occurrences and historical measured data, together with the possible analysis of efficiency and economy, are also available as an option.

Equipment level

  • The following functions are available with Master Energy Control (MEC) Remote to companies operating combined heat and power units and boiler systems: Remote monitoring with status overview, Optional: Notification via SMS or e-mail, Remote diagnostics, Remote programming and parameterisation by Bosch service engineers.
  • MEC Remote can also be upgraded as an option with additional functions, such as calling up occurrences and historical data. This includes the availability of comprehensive analysis with regard to efficiency and economy



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