Event date
17.11.2022 17:30 - 20:30

Carrer de Bellesguard
08001 Barcelona, Spain

Are you in Barcelona during the Smart Cities World Congress?

The Master in Digital Communication and New Technologies of Abat Oliba University, the think tank Intelligent Community Forum will present its methodology and real examples of projects where it has been successfully applied.

  • @Alexander Schmidt  will be facilitating an interactive and exciting panel; Public-Private Partnerships for a Better Urban Life: The Real Stories​​​​​​​. 

Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) is a Think Tank whose mission is to help communities use digital technologies to create inclusive prosperity, overcome social challenges, improve their governance and enrich the quality of life of their inhabitants. ICF is a global network of highly significant cities and regions.

The six key aspects of a smart community will be discussed: infrastructure, talent and education, innovation, equality, sustainability and resilience, and the most important one, leadership and good governance.