KnowNow Information was commissioned by the Energy Systems Catapult to create a new method to help local energy generation projects define joined up, holistic, citizen centric, purpose led data requirements.  With the objective that these data requirements would ensure that projects were not over engineered.  All data required had an owner and the data itself would be loved and curated for as long as it was required. 

This means projects would not be bloated by having too much data.  Projects could be ambtious in the use of personal data (as it had an identified purpose); plus projects would be able to articulate the value of the data in their domain.  

The data canvas is available here:

"The goal of this document is to guide you through a process of putting together an appropriate data management plan for your project to help you to understand the overall picture and ask the right questions. We have taken a broad view of what constitutes data, and the questions in this document are (for the most part) applicable to qualitative data, as well as quantitative."

The data canvas can support any type of smart community project.  Be that energy, mobility, utilities or any other data intensive project.