Exchange with SPARCS. On March 12, 2021, the EU sister project SPARCS organized a virtual visit to Smarter Together in Vienna to find out more about the implementation projects and the experience gained from them, monitoring and follow-up projects.

Another focus was the Vienna Smart City framework strategy and the resulting projects, which were presented by Dominic Weiss from UIV (Urban Innovation Vienna), the Vienna Smart City Agency.

The organizer was BABLE , an agency with which Smarter Together has been working for a long time.

Interested parties from Portugal to Ukraine took part in the virtual meeting. The lively exchange encompassed the broad range of topics from Smarter Together in Vienna: including the way in which project experiences are anchored in the structures of the city of Vienna (so-called "governance learning"), the comprehensive and very diverse approaches to citizen participation that innovative energy spatial plans, the monitoring and of course the broad approach of the Vienna Smart City framework strategy and the implementation efforts based on it. The clear message: Just do it and do it now


The SPARCS project (H2020 funding) focuses on the development of Positive Energy Districts in its 2 lighthouse cities (Espoo and Leipzig) and 5 Fellow cities (Maia, Kifissia, Kladno, Lviv and Reykjavik). As part of this project, BABLE offers a Smart City Training that includes 3 city visits (which are now carried out digitally thanks to COVID), including Cologne, Stockholm and Vienna.