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A more efficient Low Emission Zone in Cartagena with envair360
City Level
The Artificial Intelligence-based Cartagena Low Emission Zone captures, processes and integrates data with other urban datasets and algorithmic models to pinpoint the most polluted areas.
Good Health And Well-Being
Sustainable Cities And Communities
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Challenge / Goal
Cartagena, a Mediterranean port city, faces several climate-related challenges affecting its population and economy. Like other European cities, Cartagena has been forced to establish Low Emission Zones (LEZ) to curb pollution. However, the city faced a lack of data to design these zones efficiently, affordably and equitably.
Creating an inclusive LEZ is especially difficult because of time constraints and citizen expectations.
Cartagena's response, in collaboration with Libelium, was to implement a Smart City platform leveraging IoT, AI and FIWARE technologies. This integrated solution allowed:
Real-time air quality monitoring (NO, NO2, SO2, CO, PM2.5, PM10), noise and meteorological conditions using a metropolitan LoRa network.
Integration of additional data from various devices such as cameras and noise sensors to obtain a more detailed map of the city.
AI-based analytics to interpret large amounts of data and identify correlations and patterns to facilitate evidence-based decision making.
Libelium's AI-based Low Emission Zone captures, processes and integrates data with other urban datasets and algorithmic models to pinpoint the most polluted areas. This integration enables the anticipation of emission levels and facilitates the formulation of effective mitigation strategies.
In addition, Libelium IoT devices strategically placed throughout the city measure and collect data on air quality and other relevant parameters:
Gases: NO, NO2, SO2, CO
Particulates: PM2.5 and PM10
Noise levels
Air temperature and humidity
Pedestrian flows
Want to learn more about the lessons learned, financial details and results?